Quality Assurance - Skychart
Itajaí - Santa Catarina - Brazil
+55 (44) 99735-4683
Developing websites, web systems, read books, documentations and articles from technology forums. Also playing games, watch movies and TV series.
I have a degree in Analysis and Systems Development and have solid experience in this field. I work professionally as a Quality Assurance specialist, where I am responsible for implementing automated tests, writing patch notes, and correcting data from APIs. I'm a committed student at Alura, focused on learning, improving, and consolidating fullstack knowledge and other areas such as DevOps and Software Engineering. You can check out some of my projects on my GitHub and other programming-related knowledge on my website.
Perform manual and automated test plans to ensure the quality of developed software.
Participate in monthly meetings to track the projects developed by the development team.
Write clear and concise documentation of encountered errors and customizations, resulting in a more efficient QA process.
Ensure quality assurance in a team of 30 people by managing support tickets through agile methodology software (Movidesk) and Google spreadsheets.
Analyze and understand users' needs.
Responsible for testing software solutions to ensure they meet user requirements and are functioning correctly before deployment.
Mathematics (2016 - 2018)
Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
Computer Science (2018 - 2022)
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)
Systems Analysis and Development (2022 - 2023)
CNA Idiomas: English (2010/2015)
Japanese Course: Learn Japanese for Beginners
The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp
Java COMPLETO 2023 Programação Orientada a Objetos + Projetos
Jornada FULL STACK: Criando um clone do TikTok! (Workshop EBAC - 2023)
Fundamentos de FrontEnd Development (Nubank + Descomplica - 2023)
Jornada Python da Hashtag (Hashtag treinamentos - 2023)